Panglao, Bohol

Police Station Contact Number(s):

+6338 502-8081, +63038 502-8888

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  1. Elena says:

    Hello! Please help me! Our friend, Renat Rameev, is currently in Panglao. He lost his phone yesterday and we can’t get in touch with him. He’s very drunk. Isn’t he at your station?” If you have any information, please let me know! If you see him, let him sit in the police station for 3 days to sober up. Otherwise, he won’t be able to fly out.

  2. Anthony caputo says:

    Hello! First time in PangLao and I must say it’s spectacular beautiful plus in your hands to protect.
    The 1 particular Dance Club on the road up from Best Western Hotel Club to McDonald’s and the Dance Club with 2 DJ’s upstairs & downstairs leave a bad mark on your attempt to have a great place to come.
    They were “live” musicians performing beside these Big bully operations which couldn’t be heard for the POINDING DUBWOOFER BASS COMING FROM THE DJ’S WHO OBVIOUSLY ARE DEAF OR DESPERATE OR PAID TO CRUSH THE COMPETITION…
    you see loud is rude.

    Why??? are there no Sound Volume regulations?
    the musicians were great, the performers we’re nice gentle should being abuse by ONE LOSER DJ … this cool??

    I’ve seen this in many “cheap punk resorts’
    is this what you want for such an incredible Place??

    Decible Levels need to be checked and outdoor speakers stopped so you can eat your dinner up to. block away WITHOUT SHOUTING.

    …please and thank you

  3. Frank says:

    Fatsio is a demented senile narcissistic lunatic who has a big ego and an even bigger attitude that no local would put up with. He has no local friends there even though he constantly claims he does on YouTube. He has a bad attitude that rubs people the wrong way without even trying. He’s doing everything illegal on a tourist visa. He claims he’s building a hotel which there will never be one. He ebegs constantly and consistently on his YouTube channel “Alpha Male Construction” his facade of a hotel is imaginary and nothing but a pipe dream, there is no hotel and he uses that to get funding for his big scheme.

  4. Travis says:

    Hello sir this is Travis from USA a girl from your city scammed me 500$ please reach me on my mail I will share all the screenshots and the video call recording thanks

  5. Frank Battaglia says:

    he is at the prawn farm buffet right now hes live on you tube stream channel called alpha male construction

    • Randal Joel Brown says:

      This man has a a big problem he put up Ricky to do this. Please sirs keep this American in jail. He has threatened Mr Fazio many times on YouTube and said he will travel there to beat him up

    • Michael Fazio says:

      Mind your own business you SOB. I hope you get karma from a blood clot during a kidney stone treatment.

  6. Frank Battaglia says:

    To also note regarding MR Fazio, he is operating escavators, chain saws and doing work under his tourism status Mr Fazio also has a police blotter for cyber crime reported in santa fe bantayan island

  7. Frank Battaglia says:

    Mr Michael Thomas Fazio a tourist living in Panglao next to Stanley house hotel has a contagious flesh eating bacteria on his leggs for 4 years. It goes into remission then returns releasing infectious pus. He should not be allowed to go to PRAWN FARM BUFFET or any other restaurant or be near unsupervised children which he rouitinel does DEPT OF HEALTH NEEDS TO BE CONTACTED IMMEDIATElY